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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tali Pocong Perawan

two brothers, Nino and Aldo. Nino is a weird man, looking a bit strange. Different with Aldo, his sister is more fashionable and sociable. Not surprisingly, it is easy for Aldo to hook the girl he wanted. Includes a beautiful girl named Virnie. Nino who behaves strangely was also very fond of Virnie. Nino often peered at them both home. Until at its peak, Nino has the intention to seize Virnie of her own brother.

Based on information obtained from the Internet, Nino discovered the theory of "rope pocong virgin", where the string has the power to captivate a woman. How to get it was not unusual, having to dig the grave of the virgin, who died with his hands. Then, take the rope with his mouth shroud.

His love for Nino to Virnie makes him unable to think clearly again. Looking for new virgin died. After getting a rope pocong virgin, then strap it on and soak the water will be provided to Virnie.

But the effort failed because Nino glass of water immersion rope virgin pocong the spill. Then Nino actually being chased by pocong pocongnya who want the return of the rope. In the end Nino was killed after falling from the top floor of a hospital because of being chased by the pocong.


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